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Afternoon People,

This nice young girl had bilateral congenitally missing lateral incisors with canine substitution. The patient was aware that the gingival zeniths of both 13 and 23 (12, 22) were more apical in position than desirable, and the sheer bulk volume and chroma of the teeth would make it difficult to mask without pre-prosthetic orthodontics to lingualize the teeth, thus bringing the pink esthetics more coronally. Simultaneously, osseous recontouring could be accomplished according to a cohesive digital smile design which would aim to slenderize the 13, 23 and bulk up the 14, 24, increasing their proportionate dominance in the composition. The patient could afford any of the above, and simply asked for replacement of the old restorations with new, well-blended restorations. I’m looking forward to the reassessment.

Have a great night,


#EmpressDirect #IvoclarVivadent