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(Afternoon tea pics 1528.9: GC Essentia U)

It is no secret that often retraction cord access in the real world far exceeds the ability of rubber dam to retract laterally, especially in “overgrown” cases like this, where the laterocervical gingival margins have collapsed in significantly. With the Brinker B4 clamp, often I find deficient lateral retraction and when I remove the rubber dam, often find an area of proximal deficiency that needs to be “bulked out”.

Real world dentistry for me is not always as I wish it could be – absolute isolation, but we all have our struggles and compromises in life.

Alternative Technique for Class V Resin Composite Restorations with Minimum Finishing/Polishing Procedures C. R. Perez Oper Dent (2010) 35 (3): 375–379. “…One of the difficulties in Class V restorations is tooth isolation. Intrinsic anatomical and morphological characteristics of the cervical region create limitations in placement of the rubber dam and clamp.(14) Proper isolation is very difficult, sometimes impossible, when lesions extend proximally or under the gingiva. Sometimes, part of the structure cannot be isolated and the dam promotes restorative material accumulation and excess. Access is also limited, causing problems related to insertion of the restorative.”

#ClassVtalk GC Australasia