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Making heavily-filled teeth vital again requires a certain skillset. A dark stump shade normally forces the clinician to choose a more opaque ingot, fearing that the color may shine through. Often this means a more aggressive prep or the need to add direct opaquers before your final impression to balance out the prep esthetics. For every pro there’s a con. Increased opacity may mean a decrease in natural-enamel-like esthetics of the final lithium disilicate restoration. Excessively translucent materials are beautiful but without a decent stump shade to bolster the shade, can lead to a greyness of the restoration. This case demonstrates GC LiSi MT ingot’s ability to balance the need to block out dark prep shades whilst simultaneously having enough pop to not look “dead” like the first molar behind. A truly impressive material. The crowns were bonded using G-Premio + DCA and G-Cem LinkForce A2 via a total etch technique after micro air abrasion with 27 micron aluminum oxide.

Have a great night,

Clarrie x

#GC #LiSi #TamDentalGroup #NewmarketDentalStudio