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Weird Class V’s:

Where the problem is not only cervical abrasion into dentin, but also an old crown margin that is slightly “open” that you wish to seal. The issues lie in respecting each substrate for maximal bonding strength.  For every up there is a down, for every pro there is a con.  If you decide after micro air abrasion and etching with 5% HF (aq) (porcelain) and 33% H3PO4 (aq) (tooth structure) that you wish to link silica in the glass using silane coupling agent (10-MPS), then you forgo having “moist” dentin which is the ideal substrate to bond to (with 10-MDP in your bond, not your silane).  Then you apply your bond after the silane application time of 1 minute and air drying.  It’s a weird one, but challenges on humpday make the day go faster.
#GC #EssentiaU #WeirdClassVs #CervicalAbrasion #OpenMarginSealants