This is the background to the case posted late last week.
A 61 year old man suffering from past anterior biting habits and occlusal dysfunction during stress presented with an edge-to-edge anterior occlusion. Specifically,
Localized anterior moderate to advanced attrition secondary to occlusal dysfunction or constricted envelope of function. Proclined #7-10 with large diastemas between (3mm) 10/9/8. 0.75mm between 23/24, 0.5mm between 21/22, 22/23 and 1mm between 25/26/27. L side Class II, R side Class I, bilateral group function noted. Tongue thrust noted with no anterior coupling possible in MI except in protruded position where he seems to “play laterally” during the nocturnal parafunction. Class II, Division I, Subdivision L. Mx dental midline coincident with facial midline.
After foundational restorative treatment was phased and completed, the patient completed:
1) Pre-prosthetic orthodontics (Suresmile, DentsplySirona) to align the teeth, consolidate space and retract the anterior sextants
2) Deprogrammer (3 weeks) and occlusal assessment. Establishment of new CRO in increased OVD position.
3) Insertion and delivery of transitional bonding
Restorative material: Voco Grandio SO (posteriors), Voco Amaris (anteriors).
The patient will be retained in Essix retainers every night for 2 years before switching to wear only 2-3 nights per week indefinitely. He will be eligible to transition these provisional restorations over time segmentally as budget allows.
#Letssavesometeeth #VocoAmaris #KoisTrained #KoisKats #Suresmile #VocoAmaris #VocoGrandioSO #TransitionalBonding #SmileMakeover #SmileReconstruction