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(Afternoon tea pics 1011.2: GC G-Cem LinkForce | IPS e-max MT)
Sometimes the fractured tooth comes “onlay-prepared” for you, and all you can do is build a bit of antirotation into the minimalist core that you place, as there is not much ferrule to play with as you prep deeper. The trade off is: prep deeper, less enamel rim. I’d rather keep it sky high for a more predictable bond. And supragingival margins: it’s nice because there is zero chance you will win over the uberpowerful tongue to bond this in this patient, who incidentally is a severe gagger.
Provisional: GC TempSmart with Optiglaze Color tinting
Restorative: IPS e-max MT
Cement: G-Cem LinkForce with Premio Bond + DCA (Dual Cure Activator)
#GC #GCemLinkForce #GPremioPlusDCA #TempSmart #IsoDam #emaxMT #IvoclarVivadent #NDS
GC Australasia Dental Ivoclar Vivadent – New Zealand