This lovely patient exhibited a near complete coronal fracture of a veneered and previously endodontically-treated tooth #10/2.2. The current veneers were 13 years of age and had been planned for replacement. As an emergency measure, after confirming intimate adaptation of the cohesively-fractured component (veneer and facioproximal enamel/dentin) and after removal of caries, the gingiva was recontoured using a Superpulsed diode laser (Gemini Evo, Ultradent) before the post space was created using the Unicore kit from Ultradent. After respecting the adhesive preparation procedures for each substrate: enamel, dentin, old composite, feldspathic porcelain, the post was cemented and thecore and the fragment was re-adhered with a single mass of Rebilda DC. The tooth was removed from centric and excursive occlusal function and this should serve as a good provisional measure for her in the interim before her case can be completed.
#VocoRebildaDC #UltradentUnicore #UltradentGeminiEvo